About Blakenhall Action Community Forum - BACF
BACF is a limited company by guarantee :
(Company number 04366118)
with charitable status (Charity Number 1100867).

The objects for which the company is established are within the borough of Wolverhampton and particularly within the area of Blakenhall.
- within the borough of Wolverhampton and particularly within the area of Blakenhall
- to promote the advancement all or any charitable purposes for the benefit of the company within the community, in particular the advancement of education, the furtherance of good health and the relief of poverty, distress and sickness.
- work in partnership and networking,
- supporting other charitable organisations and
- promoting co-orperation between voluntary organisations, statutory authorities and individuals within Blakenhall
BACF overall mission is to become an enterprise hub that creates and develop a mixed use facility
focused on community and social enterprise (i.e crafts, creative art, employment opportunities for
local people, social events) and build capacity in the local community of Blakenhall and the wider
communities of Wolverhampton, to increase the number of people of diverse backgrounds
participating in activities, accessing services, and becoming more resilient holistically.